Our Books

In collaboration with a number of theologians and church leaders in the Arab world, MENATE produced several books that discuss Evangelical faith and theological education, and their role in shaping responses to challenges confronting the church in the Middle East and North Africa. For a copy of any of these books, please contact us via info@menate.org

الإنجيل وعالم اليوم

مسيحيٌّ ومواطنٌ؟: نظرةٌ إنجيليَّةٌ معاصرةٌ لمفهومِ المواطَنَة

لماذا الكنيسة؟

الإيمان الإنجيلي في الثقافة العربية

بين السياسة والدين: مقاربة مسيحية لقضايا سياسية من الشرق الأوسط