The Middle East and North Africa Association for Theological Education (MENATE) was founded in Cyprus in 1992 in order to strengthen the Church in the Middle East and North Africa by providing fellowship, networking, quality assurance and professional services for evangelical higher educational institutions located in the region. As of January 2017, Seventeen of these institutions have become members of MENATE, and five have been accredited by MENATE.

MENATE seeks to serve both theological schools and churches in the region, as the purpose of theological education is to strengthen and empower the Church. Creatively responding to the leadership needs of the churches is the primary criterion for the success of our network.

MENATE is a non-profit association governed by a General Assembly and represented by an Executive Committee that acts on its behalf and is accountable to the General Assembly.

MENATE is recognized by the Lebanese government and registered under license number 77/2010.

MENATE is a full member of the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education (ICETE) and values the close fellowship we have with ICETE and the other eight regional accrediting associations who are also its members.

MENATE Identity and Core Values

MENATE is Middle Eastern, contextually focused on the countries of the Middle East and North Africa.

MENATE is Evangelical, concerned to uphold the Bible as our ultimate authority under God, and committed to proclaiming the message of the Gospel among all peoples throughout our region.

MENATE supports Theological Education, ultimately seeking to serve, strengthen and grow churches in our part of the world through holistic, transformative training.

MENATE is a Fellowship of Member Schools, who share our commitments to the Church of the region and a willingness to work together for the sake of God’s Kingdom.

MENATE is an Educational Association, providing services to its members, one of which is accreditation evaluation for local, inter-collegial and international recognition.

MENATE Doctrinal Statement

MENATE adheres to the Doctrinal Statement developed at the time of its creation in 1992 as follow:

  • We believe that the Holy Bible, consisting of the sixty-six books, is God’s inspired Word. It is without error in all that it affirms. It is the only infallible rule for faith and life.

  • We believe in one God, being three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for eternity.

  • We believe in the full deity and full humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ, and His virgin birth, His sinless life, His vicarious death, the atonement, the resurrection of His glorified body, His ascension, His sitting on the right hand of the Father, and we believe in His personal and visible return.

  • We believe that man is created in the image of God, but that he fell into sin and he became separated from God, and that man is incapable of saving himself through his own efforts, but God still loves him, cares for him, and seeks his salvation.

  • We believe that man receives salvation and acceptance before God by his repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. And that salvation begins with man’s spiritual birth and affects him in every aspect of his personal and social life.

  • We believe that the Church consists of one body whose head is Christ, is composed of all the believers in Christ who have been born by the work of the Holy Spirit, and it forms the community of God’s people. Its duty is worship, fellowship, teaching, witnessing, preaching and serving the society.

  • We believe that the Holy Spirit dwells in all believers, empowers them, unites them together in Christ in one fellowship, and seeks to accomplish all of God’s purposes in the lives of the believer and the church.

  • We believe in the resurrection of the body: the saved to the resurrection of life, and those who are not believers to the resurrection of judgment.In addition, MENATE affirms the Statement of Faith of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA). Both statements are the basis for MENATE’s unity and corporate action.